We can provide experienced personnel to help with:
Addressing the skills gap requires aligning employee competence and core business needs. We can work with you to analyze the key capabilities and critical skill gaps needed to maintain your competitive advantage. We have the in-depth understanding of competency-based manufacturing process training, and can work with your team to define learning objectives and enabling objectives that will realign workforce skills to process requirements. The objectives, in turn, can be mapped to multi-threaded curricula matched to job descriptions.
Rovell has completed projects with AGT, the Government of Alberta, the Government of Canada, and the Commonwealth of Learning designed to train the trainer for interactive, synchronous, audio and graphic technology-enabled distance education. We are fully conversant with the technology, potential, and utilization of "web-casting" training events.
Since 1981, Rovell has provided assistance to basic-education agencies and schools, universities, technical and community-vocational schools, and Public Works Supply and Services Canada on the design and integration of training facilities with technology support. This has included technology assessment, delivery options, layout recommendations and equipment alternatives.
Rovell has extensive experience in training concept design - in areas ranging from driver training and telecommunications training, though military training and high-performance manufacturing training.
Rovell has worked with clients ranging from universities to telephone companies in evaluation studies of training effectiveness. We are conversant both with statistical and case-study methodologies, as well as common instrument design principles. Our primary focus is on identifying the constraints, and enabling continuous improvement of training practice.
Rovell was called upon to prepare a major study of the potential for use of distributed training methodologies for the Department of National Defense. This included the assessment of existing training methodologies and materials, and consideration of alternative approaches that could address problems of time and space for junior leadership training of land forces in the military.
The senior partner in Rovell spent seven years at Athabasca University during its crucial formative years, in positions ranging from instructional design though course coordination, to systems analysis and directing the development of computer based administrative, production, and delivery systems. Subsequent to that experience, he spent another 21 years as key contributor to the various government, institutional, and industrial distance delivery projects undertaken by Rovell.
Rovell carried out over 10 separate projects to provide public information systems, primarily for museums and public exhibitions. They also were key contributors to a computerized mall information system that was described by Edmonton Telephones as the "most advanced directory information system of its kind".
Through reports, public presentations, and short courses, Rovell personnel have provided expertise in learning technologies to large numbers of people, with presentations though out North America (including Mexico), and also in France.
Rovell Enterprises Ltd.
308 Sandhill Rd
Kanata, ON
Phone: +1 613.599.9975
(c) 2017 Rovell Enterprises Ltd.